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Dr. Meredith Gilliam is an assistant clinical professor in the division of geriatric medicine.

Meredith Gilliam, MD

What brought you to UNC Medical Center?

UNC is home. I completed my undergraduate work, MD, and MPH at UNC, and met my husband here. I love UNC’s mission to serve the people of North Carolina, while advancing public health and research.

Where are you from?

I mostly grew up in Raleigh, NC. My family is from Down East.

Did you always want to be a doctor?

I considered being a chemist and a teacher. I taught middle school English classes in Japan before coming to medical school.

How did you choose your specialty?

I was drawn to geriatrics by mentors who demonstrated genuine caring for their patients. I enjoy the ability to work in a variety of care settings, and help older adults navigate the complex medical decisions that come with aging and approaching the end of life. I also enjoy thinking about ways that our health care system can better serve older adults and keep them safe.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

I really enjoy the primary care aspect of my work and being the person my patients consider their doctor. I also enjoy working with medical students and trainees.

What are some of the new developments in your field of specialty?

Some of the most interesting work includes new tools for advance care planning, studies on appropriate targets for chronic disease management toward the end of life, and innovative systems of care for frail adults in the community.

Is there a particular achievement (professional or personal) that has been most gratifying to you?

I have a healthy, curious, joyful one-year-old daughter.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

The advice to come back to work at my alma mater.

If you weren’t a physician, what would you like to be doing?

I’d like to spend some time growing things…maybe farming or community gardening.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy spending time with family and listening to podcasts.

Do you have a favorite quote or life motto?

“Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.” — Frederick Buechner


View Dr. Gilliam’s profile.