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Dr. Greganti is the Charles Addison and Elizabeth Ann Sanders Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, and the Vice Chairman for the Department of Medicine.

Andrew Greganti, MD

What is your clinical expertise?

The ongoing care of geriatric patients and the differential diagnosis of complex medical illness.

What is your current role in the Department of Medicine?

My primary focus, along with that of Janet Hadar, is to explore both outpatient and inpatient care problems that impair patient focused care and that limit the efficient integration of all aspects of clinical care delivery. Janet and I will lead a newly appointed group of clinical program directors who are the clinical leaders in the Department in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. Our plan is to utilize the expertise of these talented leaders to problem-solve and ultimately to improve our ability to deliver patient-focused and value-based care. This is an ambitious project but one that is critical to the long-term welfare of the Department.

What is your hometown?

Merigold, Mississippi

What do you love most about Chapel Hill/UNC?

I enjoy the excitement and enthusiasm of living in a university community – a college town. Daily interactions with creative, thoughtful, and dedicated people are a source of personal motivation to improve. Interactions with our diverse community also provide a source of hope for the future. The collegiality of the faculty of the UNC School of Medicine, along with the joy of living in Chapel Hill, have kept me at UNC for almost 40 years.

Where is an interesting place you’ve traveled?

My most enjoyable trip was to visit my father’s family in Marzocca, Italy. On this particular trip my wife and we were warmly welcomed by my first cousins whom I had never met before.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I enjoy bird photography. My three grandchildren, who live nearby, are a source of joy.

Read Dr. Greganti’s bio here.