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Michelle Floris-Moore, MD

(Republished from the division of infectious diseases and the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases website.)

Members of the HIV Medicine Association have elected Michelle Floris-Moore, MD, MS, to its Board of Directors.

Floris-Moore is an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and the director of UNC’s Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training Program. She cares for people living with HIV in the UNC Infectious Diseases Clinic, and researches the cardiovascular and metabolic complications of HIV.

The HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) is an organization for medical professionals specializing in HIV. The HIVMA’s goals include:

– Endorsing policies that support a well-trained workforce to respond to HIV;
– Encouraging a comprehensive response to HIV in the United States;
– Advocating for policies that support HIV providers;
– Supporting U.S. evidence-based policies for people living with or at risk for HIV; and
– Promoting a U.S. response to HIV in resource-limited countries.

“I look forward to working with the HIVMA to advocate for HIV-infected patients and support clinicians and researchers working in the field of HIV medicine as we seek to reduce transmission, improve early diagnosis and treatment, and improve health outcomes for our patients,” Floris-Moore said.

Floris-Moore is a graduate of the UNC School of Medicine’s ACCLAIM program. ACCLAIM, or the Academic Career Leadership Academy in Medicine, provides leadership and career development to junior faculty. She is an investigator in the UNC Global HIV Prevention and Treatment Clinical Trials Unit and the UNC Center for AIDS Research(CFAR), where she leads the HIV, Aging and Comorbidities Special Interest Group.