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We are saddened to announce that Dr. David A. Ontjes, Department of Medicine Chair from 1981 to 1989, died on May 7, 2017. Dr. Ontjes specialized in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School in 1964.

Dr. David A. Ontjes (Restoration Credit: Ken Jackson)

“Dr. David Ontjes embodied the spirit of collegiality that is the hallmark of our institution,” said Department of Medicine Chairman Dr. Ron Falk.

A Distinguished Professor and former Medicine Chair, Dr. Ontjes encouraged and vigorously supported collaborations within the School of Medicine, leaving behind a legacy of contributions.

To recognize these contributions to the Department of Medicine, an intern is annually selected to receive the Ontjes Resident Award. Criteria include excellence in research and academics as well as outstanding service to others. At the recent 2017 Residents Award Ceremony, four residents were acknowledged for their performance and qualities that best exemplify the legacy of Dr. Ontjes.

“Dr. Ontjes participated in the education of countless medical students, residents and fellows,” said Andrew Greganti, MD. “He also recruited and helped mentor many faculty members. I know that he would say his involvement in the professional and personal development of physicians was a highlight of his career.”

The legacy of Dr. Ontjes is also celebrated throughout the year with the Ontjes Resident as Teacher lectures on effective teaching methods, lifelong learning, and other topics related to medical education. These lectures are made possible by a fund endowed by Dr. Ontjes.

Dr. David Ontjes will be sorely missed. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 13, at the University Presbyterian Church, 209 East Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.

An obituary has been published here: News and Observer.

Update: Due to heavy anticipated traffic related to commencement activities, memorial service guests will also be able to park at the University United Methodist Church and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.