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UNC School of Medicine student Reaves Houston
UNC School of Medicine student Reaves Houston

Fourth-year UNC School of Medicine student Reaves Houston exemplifies exceptional talent, kindness, and compassion as a medical student. Currently, she is also collaborating with the Division of Geriatric Medicine on various research projects.

Recently, Houston was selected to participate in the Physician Leadership in Quality and Safety Concentration program. As part of this program, she will spearhead a QI initiative on the Division’s inpatient service. Specifically, the program aims to enhance the prevention and management of behavioral and psychological symptoms in persons with dementia and delirium.

Dr. David Lynch, the Medical Director of Inpatient Geriatrics Service and Houston’s mentor says, “I initially encountered [Houston] during her time on our inpatient geriatrics service. Her performance during her acting internship on Med A was truly exceptional.”

Following that internship, Houston pursued her MPH at UNC. In her master’s paper, she focused on a systematic review. Houston addressed the question of whether people with dementia/cognitive impairment are included in RCTs of exercise interventions for hospital-associated functional decline.

This year, Houston will apply to internal medicine residency programs. Dr. Lynch says, “I personally hope that we can retain her at UNC and inspire her to pursue a career in geriatrics and research.”