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The new ‘Inpatient Cardiology Consult for Adult Congenital Heart Disease’ will follow patients with congenital defects and lead all inclusive care. UNC cardiologists ask that consults be made within 24 hours of admission. Coordinator Lunise Benjamin, DNP, NP-C, will be the main point of contact for the new program.

As medical care and treatments advance, babies and children with congenital heart defects (CHDs) are living longer and healthier lives, with most now living into adulthood. But even with improved treatments, many people with a CHD are not cured, even if their heart defect has been repaired. As a person with a heart defect gets older, further heart problems may occur. UNC cardiologists are building a comprehensive program specializing in the treatment of adults with congenital heart defects that will offer a seamless transition from pediatric to adult-oriented care.

Elisabeth Heal, DO, Michael Yeung, MD, Lunise Benjamin, DNP, FNP-c, and Elman Frantz, MD. (Not pictured: Mirnela Byku, MD, Mahesh Sharma, MD, Sandeep Sainathan, MD)

“The ‘Inpatient Consult to Cardiology – Adult Congenital Heart Disease’ is now in Epic and we’ve designed it to capture as many patients as possible,” said Lunise Benjamin, DNP, NP-C, the UNC Adult Congenital Heart Disease Coordinator.

“When a patient is known to have a congenital defect, even if there are no symptoms at the time, we’d like to capture them as soon as possible. We might end up seeing them as outpatient, but this way, we can ensure that they have proper care and follow up.”

While some patients may have undergone corrective surgery in childhood, some may not have been previously treated, or may have recently discovered conditions that require therapy involving drugs, interventional procedures, or surgery. Benjamin says additional medications, surgeries, or other procedures may be needed after the initial childhood surgeries. In fact, some people with heart defects need lifelong care to stay as healthy as possible and to address certain health issues.

Participation in the program will ensure appropriate transition of care for patients who were diagnosed as children, and appropriate wrap-around care for adults who are new to the program. Primary care can also consult and refer a patient, if needing a second opinion for congenital defects.

The consult supports patients who may need access to comprehensive electrophysiology services, including management of arrhythmias and placement of pacemakers and defibrillators, the latest advances in transcatheter valve placement provided by the congenital cardiac catheterization lab, treatment of atrial septal defects, and all forms of congenital heart disease.

Benjamin will complete consults with certified adult congenital heart disease physicians. They include Elisabeth Heal, DO, (pediatric cardiology), Michael Yeung, MD, Elman Frantz, MD (pediatric cardiology), Mirnela Byku, MD, Mahesh Sharma, MD, (cardiothoracic surgery) and Sandeep Sainathan, MD (cardiothoracic surgery).