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Dr. John Batsis
John Batsis, MD

Increasing evidence shows that BMI (body mass index) isn’t the sole measure to predict mortality risk. According to a recent JAMA Network article, a new study further demonstrates that this measure by itself doesn’t fully capture risk of death.

The article quotes associate professor Dr. John Batsis, much of whose work focuses on obesity, loss of muscle mass, strength, and function with aging. He believes that BMI is no longer the gold standard that it was once thought to be.

Dr. Batsis says, “We need to move away from BMI or use it in conjunction with other measures. BMI does not capture differences in age-related loss of muscle mass, strength, or function (termed sarcopenia).” He goes on to state that we should instead think of ‘phenotypes’ of persons. “Not all ‘obesity’ is the same and it may be that specific individuals with specific characteristics are treated differently.”