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Joanne Lowry, BSN, RN, MS-BC

Joanne Lowry, BSN, RN, MS-BC, received the Inpatient ‘Carolina Care Words and Ways that Work’ Award at a virtual awards ceremony Tuesday, October 26.

“This was a real surprise. It was also extremely nice. It’s wonderful to be recognized for the work you do, especially when your work is so supported by your home base,” said Lowry. “I am truly fortunate and blessed to be in this department and this role. That’s the real award for me.”

She was also asked to describe what Carolina Care means to her.

What does Carolina Care mean to me?

“The roots of Carolina Care were formed right here at home under former UNC School of Nursing Dean, Kristen Swanson’s Caring Theory. I believe that Caring is a wonderful trait to have. When you care for someone, you make a difference in their life through your acts of kindness. When I think about Carolina care, I think about Compassion, Dedication, Commitment, Inspiration, and an amazing and powerful Resilience.  Carolina Care is not about individuals. It’s about all of us. It’s about creating community within our workplace. It’s about caring for our patients, each other as well as ourselves. It’s about being our best so that we can share ourselves and provide excellent care for our patients. I have been extremely fortunate to have many wonderful experiences here at UNC, as a bedside nurse, charge nurse, Surgery Supervisor, Administrative Nursing Supervisor and now as Medical Admitting Officer. My success in each of these roles did not come from me alone, but from the relationships and the support I have been so fortunate to receive along the way. This has allowed me to give of myself. The best gifts are the ones you give away. We have been through the most challenging times of our careers recently. We are still here. Our commitment and dedication have been tested in a way that we have never seen. We have inspired one another to continue this journey. Our resilience is truly amazing. This to me, is Carolina.”

Eastowne also received the “Carolina Care Award for Collaboration” Award during the event.

Learn more about Joanne, a medical admitting officer, who is helping to transform the delivery of healthcare at UNC Medical Center.