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Joanne Lowry has recently joined the Department of Medicine as Medicine Admissions Officer, a new position designed to streamline Medicine patient admissions at UNC Hospitals.

Joanne Lowry, RN, BSN, MSBC
Joanne Lowry, RN, BSN, MSBC

As Medicine Admissions Officer, Ms. Lowry will accept all admission calls to Medicine and will direct these patients to the appropriate subspecialty team. This will include admissions from the Emergency Room and outpatient clinics.

These duties have previously all been handled by rotating clinical teams. This change will simplify and expedite the admitting process time for patient referrals.

The result in improved efficiency will save time for the patient, referring providers, and admitting providers, which will increase physician availability and improve patient care.

Ms. Lowry brings extensive experience and a deep knowledge of the UNC system, having served as nurse, supervising nurse, and House Supervisor for the Department of Nursing at UNC Hospitals over the last 25 years. She has worked closely with UNC physicians, hospital staff, and patients to oversee optimal patient flow through the hospital and to ensure the best patient care.



Contact Joanne Lowry
Phone: 919.667.4493
Pager: 216.0936

Ms. Lowry is available Monday – Friday from 10AM – 6PM, to facilitate the following processes:

· Admissions to all Medicine services (except MICU/CICU admissions)
· Direct admissions from clinics
· Improving the OSH transfer process
· Regionalization