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Koyal Jain, MD, MPH, and Ashley Henderson, MD

To all faculty, fellows and residents:

It has been quite the year for all of us as we have all adjusted our schedules to accommodate the influx of Covid-19 patients.  Medical students were briefly off clinical duties but thanks to School of Medicine and Department of Medicine leadership, they were back fairly soon with appropriate PPE.  Many thanks to all of you welcoming them back to the wards, including some new Covid-19 rotations.  Our students will be graduating on time.

This year we have started a new program with medical student chiefs for Internal Medicine (IM).  They are helping mentor younger students potentially interested in IM but also have started a new regular case conference, increasing awareness of Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG), and have submitted abstracts to AAIM on the advantages of this program.  They are also increasing contact with former UNC medical students now in IM residency to guide current students about their programs and “life as an IM resident.”

If you have an interest in creating a new elective for students (two-week or four-week electives are an option), let us know and we can help you with the process, as any way we can introduce them to new Internal Medicine opportunities is a win for both sides.

Note that students have to adhere to an 80-hour work week as well, so if you have an overeager medical student, remind them they have to go home sometimes, too.

As always, thanks for all you do,

Koyal Jain and Ashley Henderson