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Credit: NC Health News

COVID Delta Variant Q & A With David Wohl, MD (August 12, 2021)

NC Health News featured David Wohl, MD, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases, in a Q & A about the Delta variant. Health reporter Rose Hoban interviewed Wohl about the Delta variant and the return to school.

Read the interview.

UNC Health to expand use of antibody treatment to prevent COVID-19 hospitalization (August 9, 2021)

A reports UNC Health is ramping up the use of a new antibody treatment to help prevent people who are sick with coronavirus from going to the hospital. Since the pandemic started last year, UNC Health has given out more than 3,000 monoclonal antibody infusions, and 500 of those were administered in the last two weeks. The treatment is a one-time, 30-minute IV infusion.

“These are antibodies that are kickstarting your immune system’s response to fight the virus,” said Dr. David Wohl, an infectious disease expert.

Watch or read the story.

Senior Living: ‘Wisdom and fear’ lead 90% of U.S. seniors to coronavirus vaccines (August 9, 2021)

A Kaiser Health News report says the despite the latest surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, the US recently hit a milestone that some thought was unattainable: 90% of people 65 and older are at least partly vaccinated against COVID-19. That’s more than 49 million seniors vaccinated. Overall, 70% of adults have been inoculated, at least partly, and nearly 68% of people 12 years of age or older.

David Wohl, MD, said this shows our elders are wiser than the rest of us. Political leanings that have skewed vaccination rates across the country have had much less of an impact on older adults.

Read the article.