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Rishab Revankar, MD | Department of Medicine

Rishab Revankar, MD

Rishab Revankar, MD


Rishab was a Morehead-Cain scholar at UNC where he designed and completed a major in Holistic Medicine. After graduation, Rishab spent two years in India at the Institute for World Religions and Philosophy. As a first year medical student, Rishab worked with Dermatology faculty to create and implement an Essentials of Dermatology online course for providers in resource-limited settings and rolled out a pilot program at the University of Gondar in Ethiopia. He has been committed to caring for the underserved, working as a Spanish interpreter with the East Harlem Health Outreach Project and co-founding the Mount Sinai Global Health Student Coalition. Rishab has worked as a research fellow at UNC, focusing on the care of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. After completion of his preliminary year, Rishab will begin his advanced residency program in Dermatology.

  • Undergraduate

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Medical School

    Mount Sinai