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Jason Cook Successfully Defended PhD on November 22nd

November 13, 2013

Jason Cook successfully delivered his PhD defense on November 22, 2013 at 12:00pm in the Bioinformatics Auditorium. His talk was titled “Ethanol Alters the GABAergic Neuroactive Steroid Allopregnanolone at Local Brain Sites: Significance of Local Allopregnanolone Increases in the Ventral Tegmental Area” Advisor: Dr. A. Leslie Morrow

Four UNC Neuroscience papers in Nature or Science in 2013

November 1, 2013

UNC researchers, including Neurobiology Curriculum students, have published FOUR papers in Nature or Science in 2013. That’s more than Duke, Princeton, Yale, UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC, UCSD,UCSF, U Michigan, or Northwestern. And SEVEN papers in Nature or Science since 2010!

Anel Jaramillo Receives AAHHE Award

October 30, 2013

Anel Jaramillo was awarded the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc (AAHHE) graduate student fellows program (GRFP), which includes all travel expenses to their annual conference. Congrats Anel!