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Lei Xing of received a two-year Young Investigator Award from Children’s Tumor Foundation. Lei Xing is a Research Scientist in Dr. William Snider’s lab. He proposes to investigate the effect of ERK/MAPK hyperactivation on neural circuit development.


Lei Xing received a two-year Young Investigator Award from Children’s Tumor Foundation. CTF’s longest running program, YIA provides two-year awards for young scientists early in their careers, bringing them into the NF field and helping to establish them as independent investigators With the grant, Xing proposes to investigate the effect of ERK/MAPK hyperactivation on neural circuit development.

Pathological ERK/MAPK activation is causative to a large family of human neurodevelopmental disorders known as RASopathies, including neurofibromatosis type 1, Costello syndrome, Noonan syndrome, CFC syndrome and etc. However, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of these neurodevelopmental disorders are largely unknown.

For more information, visit the CTF website.