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Dr. Soma Sengupta has been appointed Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Neurosurgery at UNC Chapel Hill.Dr. Soma Sengupta

Dr. Sengupta has a strong track record of NIH, foundation, and philanthropical funding for research. “I am greatly honored that Dr. Oyesiku and his team have given me this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with my Chair in Neurology, Dr. Garden, and Vice Chair of Research in Neurology, Dr. Shih, to create a collaborative neuroscience enterprise,” said Dr. Sengupta.

The Sengupta and Pomeranz Krummel laboratory conducts neuro-oncology research. Alongside Dr. Daniel Pomeranz Krummel, Dr. Sengupta, a husband and wife team leads a joint lab dedicated to enhancing the efficacy of radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy while minimizing their toxic effects at the interface of cancer neuroscience. Their entrepreneurial spirit is evident through their start-up company, which aims to translate innovative research into practical applications that benefit patients. In addition, Dr. Sengupta and Dr. Pomeranz Krummel have carried out collaborative innovative research in focused ultrasound and RNA therapeutics.

Dr. Sengupta’s leadership extends to her role as Division Chief of Neuro-Oncology at UNC Health, where she oversees clinical trials and translational research initiatives and demonstrates a deep commitment to patient care. Her involvement in integrative medical group visits for brain cancer patients and advocacy efforts for brain tumor patients with the National Brain Tumor Society underscores her unwavering dedication to improving patient outcomes and advocating for patient needs.

Beyond her clinical and research roles, Dr. Sengupta has recently been appointed as the Associate Editor of Clinical Medicine (flagship journal for the Royal College of Physicians, UK), and co-chair of the AANS/CNS Section on Tumors and Medical Neuro-oncology subcommittee. She is also on the conference committee for the American Brain Tumor Association’s Research Network, and is one of the abstract reviewers for the Society of Neuro-oncology National Meeting. She currently mentors, Dr. Dylan Ryan, the StrokeNet Fellow at Duke University School of Medicine with Duke University’s Stroke Division Chief, Dr. Wuwei Feng.

Dr. Sengupta’s collaborations in bioengineering, generative AI and digital patient therapy App research, transgenic mouse modeling, and cutting-edge cancer stem cell assays spans multiple institutions, showcasing her ability to bridge gaps and unite diverse teams.

Dr. Sengupta will continue to drive neuroscience research at UNC Health. “I aim to foster internal and external collaborations in clinical trials, and translational and clinical research for the Department of Neurosurgery over the next five years,” said Dr. Sengupta.