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What is Mentorship in OBGYN?

Mentorship is a collaborative relationship where experienced individuals (mentors) provide guidance and support to those seeking to learn and grow (mentees). Through sharing knowledge and advice, mentorship fosters personal and professional development, empowering mentees to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

What is Sponsorship in OBGYN?

Sponsorship is a strategic partnership in which an established individual or organization (the sponsor) provides support, resources, and opportunities to help another individual or entity (the protege) advance in their career or achieve specific goals. Through sponsorship, sponsors advocate for and actively promote the growth and success of their proteges, often offering mentorship, networking connections, and access to key opportunities.

Mentoring Resources from UNC’s Center for Faculty Excellence

Mentoring/Mentee Articles:

Academic mentoring–how to give it and how to get it – PubMed (

Making the Most of Mentors: A Guide for Mentees – PubMed (

Mentoring and coaching in medicine – PubMed (

Mentoring Millennials – PubMed (

Nature’s guide for mentors – PubMed (

Sponsorship Articles:

Sponsorship: A Path to the Academic Medicine C-suite for Women Faculty? – PubMed (