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OIA Program Manager Visits UNC Project-Malawi

July 19, 2018

This June, OIA Program Manager, Shay Slifko, was able to make her first journey to the popular elective site and got a first-hand look at what these global health electives entail.

Alarming polio outbreak spreads in Congo, threatening global eradication efforts

July 5, 2018 Alarming polio outbreak spreads in Congo, threatening global eradication efforts By Leslie Roberts Jul. 2, 2018 , 1:30 PM Overshadowed by the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), another frightening virus is on the loose in that vast, chaotic country: polio. Public health experts have worked for months to stamp … Read more

The Triangle Global Health Annual Conference 9/27/2018

July 3, 2018 Are you involved in global health research? Consider submitting an abstract to the NC Triangle Global Health Consortium conference. Deadlines are below. Good luck…and keep in mind the OIA has conference reimbursement stipends for UNC medical students accepted to present at a global health conference. If approved, OIA reimbursements are for up to $500 … Read more

In Upholding Trump’s Travel Ban, Supreme Court Ratifies Worldview That Worries Colleges

June 28, 2018 By Karin Fischer June 26, 2018 When President Trump, days after taking office, issued an executive order barring travelers, including students, from a half-dozen predominantly Muslim countries, it was like a chain-link fence hastily erected along the border. High and barbed and menacing, yes, but thanks to immediate legal challenges, it had an aura … Read more

Ishani Mehta- PEDS 445 & PEDS 426

June 22, 2018

“It can be very overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time in the US, it can be very intimidating, so just be yourself and there’s nothing to be afraid of. That’s what I learned because I was scared when I came. Just be confident about what you know and what you do because the way that they do things here can be very different from the way they do things in your home school, and you might feel a little out of place or you might start doubting yourself, thinking that you don’t know stuff. But it’s alright, I think people here understand that you’re from a different background, so it’s alright to just be yourself.”

— Ishani Mehta, Topiwala National Medical College (India)