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Research in my laboratory investigates human cognition. We use behavioral measures and scalp-recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to gain a better understanding of the rapid neural dynamics underlying cognitive processes, such as the interactions between attentional capture, sustained attention, and distraction.  We also use fMRI to investigate the neural architecture supporting voluntary attention, as well as social cognitive processes.  A new direction of our research is using these methods to investigate changes in neural connectivity that may be associated with cognitive “brain training.” Finally, in collaborative projects, we also investigate social cognitive processing in psychiatric populations, language comprehension in healthy individuals, and dysfunctional attentional control in adults at risk for alcoholism.,Research in my laboratory investigates human cognition. We use behavioral measures and scalp-recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to gain a better understanding of the rapid neural dynamics underlying cognitive processes, such as the interactions between attentional capture, sustained attention, and distraction.  We also use fMRI to investigate the neural architecture supporting voluntary attention, as well as social cognitive processes.  A new direction of our research is using these methods to investigate changes in neural connectivity that may be associated with cognitive “brain training.” Finally, in collaborative projects, we also investigate social cognitive processing in psychiatric populations, language comprehension in healthy individuals, and dysfunctional attentional control in adults at risk for alcoholism.


Neuroscience Center


Behavior, Neurobiology

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