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Dr. Styner is a leading expert in medical image computing with specific research on developing and applying novel neuroimaging methods as well as software tools for structural and diffusion MRI, mainly aimed at early postnatal brain development. His research encompasses a broad range of applications in human and non-human primate neuroimaging. Dr. Styner has co-authored over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. As co-director of the UNC Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory (NIRAL) and associate director of the Brain-Behavior Measurement Lab of the UNC IDDRC, he oversees medical imaging research projects in the field of neurodevelopment with applications to typical development, autism, fragile-X, Angelman Syndrome, and intra-uterine exposure studies.


Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD), Psychiatry


Autism, Computational Biology, Imaging, Other