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I am interested in the development and application of new imaging techniques to answer clinically relevant questions in both human and pre-clinical studies. I have had the fortune of working with nearly every major imaging modality, including x-ray and MRI, ultrasound imaging, ultrasound contrast agents, nuclear medicine, and electrical imaging. This offers me a unique perspective in performing translational imaging research, since I can draw on the strengths and weaknesses from every modality to answer relevant clinical questions.

In particular, I am interested in guiding advanced imaging techniques from pre-clinical applications into the clinic. Specifically, my role has been primarily as a translational radiologist, taking advantage of my engineering and clinical training to perform first-in-human studies on novel imaging devices and to carry these devices forward to the clinic. My hope is to develop new methods to enhance our biomedical understanding and diagnostic capability of diseases such as stroke or cancer. My primary research focus has been the pre-clinical and clinical translation of the carbon nanotube x-ray sources and Fluorine-19 imaging for MRI ventilation and cell tracking.


Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC), Lineberger Cancer Center, Radiology


Apps-Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Imaging