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In mid-July, UNC Ophthalmology was pleased to welcome Mohammad Soleimani, MD, FICO, as the department’s new Cornea and External Disease Specialist. Dr. Soleimani completed his Ophthalmology residency (2009) and Cornea Fellowship (2012) at the Farabi Eye Hospital and Tehran University of Medical Science. He subsequently joined faculty (2013) at the hospital and became Medical Director of its eye hospital. Dr. Soleimani moved to the US in January 2022 to perform research and clinical fellowships at the University of Illinois in Chicago in advanced Cornea and External Disease management.

UNC Ophthalmology is excited to appoint Dr. Soleimani as its new Vice Chair of Quality. In this role, he will lead the department’s interfacing with UNC Health’s new Quality Initiative and participation in the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)’s IRIS Registry, the world’s largest comprehensive eye disease clinical registry.