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Research Assistant Professor


  • MD: Medicine – Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
  • M.S: Cell Biology – China Academy of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China
  • Ph.D: Biochemistry – Rush University/Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois


  • 2005- Poster Presentation Award: 2nd place, in South East Lipid Conference
  • 2013- Invited reviewer from the Deputy Director of NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, for the
    Diabetic Complications Consortium Pilot & Feasibility grant
  • 2014- Invited reviewer from the Deputy Director of NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, for the
    Diabetic Complications Consortium Pilot & Feasibility grant
  • 2014- Invited grant reviewer from Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Committee, Medical
    Science section


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Xianwen Yi
  • Pathology and Laboratory Medicine