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The Five Carolina Summer Fellows presented their research July 23, 2013 and received Certificates for completing the program.

2013 Carolina Summer Fellows hold their Certificates after presenting their summer research.

Photo above: Carolina Summer Fellows hold their certificates after presenting their research. Pictured are (L to R): Jennifer Frevert, Raul Doyle, Jakovin Lee, Alex Sabol, and Kinsey Qi.

The titles of their talks were:

  • Jennifer Frevert, Kash Lab: “Evaluation of a new method for lesioning inhibitory neurons”
  • Raul Doyle, Nichols Lab: “Regulation of the MtrCDE Efflux pump by the Gonococcal efflux pump gene Regulator (GepR)”
  • Jakovin Lee, McCarthy Lab: “Investigating the Role of Gq Signaling in the Regulation of the Cardiovascular System”
  • Alex Sabol, Graves Lab: “Investigation into EZH2 Inhibitors and their Impact on FLT3 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”
  • Kinsey Qi, Nicholas Lab: “Identification of the PDZ protein and associated kinase involved in internalization of the P2Y1 receptor”

Our congratulations to all!

View presentation program