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Get to know our eight new Carolina Summer Fellowship students who’ll be arriving in May!


We are excited to welcome our eight new undergraduate students who will be joining us for our 2017 Carolina Summer Fellowship Program!

We welcome our eight new Carolina Summer Fellows who will be spending the summer with us!

  • Marielle Bond of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Adrienne Cox’s lab
  • Adelaide Cooke of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in Channing Der’s lab
  • Samuel Curry of Morehouse College in Lee Graves’ lab
  • Ar-ryon Garrison of Clarke Atlanta University in Rob Nicholas’ lab
  • Adam Graves of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Lee Graves’ lab (no relation)
  • McKenzie O’Hara of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Channing Der’s lab
  • Annyah Phillips of Clarke Atlanta University in Henrik Dohlman’s lab
  • Zach Smith of Michigan State University in Jonathan Schisler’s lab

UPDATE 5/24/17 – Our CSF 2017 students have arrived and begun their summer research!

CSF 2017 Students Group

Pictured above: (Back L to R): Sam, Annyah, Zach, and Adam, (Front L to R): Ar-ryon, McKenzie, Marielle and Adelaide! (Photo by Nicole Arnold, UNC Pharmacology)

(~article UPDATED to include new photo of CSF 2017 students after arriving.)
If you hoover over the photos you can see who each student is. Click for a larger view.

Ar-Ryon GarrisonZach SmithMarielle BondMcKenzie O'Hara
Sam CurryAdam GravesAnnyah PhillipsAdelaide Cooke