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Wang Lab Publishes Paper in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

September 19, 2012

The Wang Lab had a paper published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology September 16, 2012 titled, “Intronic splicing enhancers, cognate splicing factors and context-dependent regulation rules.” Yang Wang, Research Assistant Professor in the Wang lab, is first author on paper. Along with Zefeng Wang, co-authors are Meng Ma, from UNC and Xinshu Xiao at … Read more

Dr. Zefeng Wang wins Jefferson Pilot Award

September 19, 2012

Dr. Zefeng Wang, Assistant Professor in Pharmacology, has received a Jefferson Pilot Fellowship in Academic Medicine. Dr. Wang will receive $20,000 to be paid over a four-year period in equal installments of $5,000 per year. The award is to be used at the discretion of the recipient for support of his/her scholarly endeavors. The research … Read more

Department bids farewell to Pilar Blancafort

September 11, 2012

The Pharmacology department held a goodbye party for Associate Professor Pilar Blancafort, who will be moving on to a new position in the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia in Crawley, Australia.

Department says farewell to David Siderovski

July 2, 2012

The department says farewell to Dr. David Siderovski, who is moving on to become the Chair of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at West Virginia University.

Gary Johnson’s protein activation test highlighted on WRAL News

June 6, 2012

Dr. Gary Johnson WRAL News ran a news report on their Health & Life website highlighting a new testing method at UNC that makes breast cancer treatment more efficient. The test, developed by Dr. Gary Johnson and his laboratory at UNC’s Department of Pharmacology, reveals protein activation in breast cancer tumors and may predict drug … Read more

Dr. Alan Jones Receives Fulbright Fellowship

November 18, 2011

Dr. Alan Jones, Fulbright Fellowship Recipient Dr. Alan Jones, George and Alice Welch Distinguished Professor of Biology and joint Professor in Pharmacology has received a Fulbright Fellowship to study at the University of Queensland in Brisbane for the Spring of 2013. There he will work in several labs, but in particular Dr. Jose Botella’s. The … Read more

Dr. Gary Johnson Named Kenan Professor

September 12, 2011

Dr. Johnson, Chair of the Department of Pharmacology, receives Distinguished Kenan Professorship to honor his excellence in research and teaching at UNC.