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Ubiquitin chain-elongating enzyme UBE2S activates the RING E3 ligase APC/C for substrate priming

May 22, 2020

Congratulations to Pharmacology graduate student Raquel C. Martinez Chacin, who is first author on a paper published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Journal! The paper by the Brown Lab in collaboration with the Emanuele Lab, Jean Cook lab, and other researchers at UNC and the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna was published May 11, 2020!

Congratulations to our new Dr. Mike Pablo!

March 24, 2020

Mike Pablo, a graduate student in Tim Elston’s and Klaus Hahn’s labs, successfully defended his PhD via Zoom on Monday, March 23 despite the challenges of having to defend remotely.  Congratulations, Mike! We’re proud of you!!