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Eric Zimmerman, Ph.D. with Dr. Lee Graves, his mentor

Eric Zimmerman, a member of the Graves Lab, successfully defended his Ph.D. Thursday, March 24, 2011. The title of his thesis is “Lyn kinase regulation of microRNA and Mcl-1 in drug-resistant myelogenous leukemia.” A party was held afterward in 4007 GMB to celebrate.

Eric has a postdoc position waiting for him at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He will begin his new position at St. Jude in early August.

Congratulations, Eric! We wish you the best in all your future endeavors!

Right photo: Eric Zimmerman stands with Professor Lee Graves, his mentor. Click for Enlargement.

Photo below: Eric with his parents, Robert and Linda Iredell, who traveled from Cleveland, OH to be here for Eric’s PhD defense. Click image for enlargement.

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Photo below: Eric with celebrants. Click image for enlargement.

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Photo below: Eric’s wife, Katie, and family members at the party. Click image for enlargement.

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Photo below: More students and lab members celebrating at the party. Click image for enlargement.

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