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Student Research Seminars with Blaide Woodburn and Elizaveta Wick (Kulko)

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Blaide Woodburn, graduate student in the Swanstrom Lab, presents a seminar on “Characterizing HIV Infection of the CNS.”

Elizaveta Wick (Kulko), graduate student in the Brown Lab, presents a seminar on “Identification of the DDB1 Interface Residues Essential for Binding Affinity and Specificity for H-box Containing Proteins.”

Seminars will be given via zoom. Please check your email for link.

New Students Talks

Via Zoom

Please join us in welcoming our 16 new Pharmacology students as they give their first talks to the department on Thursday, May 27th. The talks will be given in two parts. The first at 11 AM and the second at 2 PM. Thank you in advance for giving our new students your support and encouragement … Read more

Connor Wander Defense

Via Zoom

Title: Potential Mechanisms of Hippocampal Resilience to Alzheimer’s disease Pathophysiology
PI's: Dr Juan Song and Dr. Todd Cohen 

Carolina Summer Fellows In Person Poster Session

GMB Lobby 120 Mason Farm Rd., Genetic Medicine Bldg 1st Floor Lobby, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Please join us as our Carolina Summer Fellows give in person poster presentations of their research.