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Dr. Vaithish Velazhahan of the University of Cambridge, UK presents

Virtual Zoom Meeting - Tuesday Seminar Zoom Login

A UNC Special Seminar with:
Vaithish Velazhahan, PhD
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Sidney Sussex College
Univeristy of Cambridge, UK

Title of talk: “A distinct activation mechanism in GPCR dimers: Insights from cryo-EM snapshots of the entire Class D1 GPCR activation pathway”

Dr. Liangyi Chan of Peking University presents

Liangyi Chan, PhD
School of Future Technology
Peking University

Title of Talk: "Overcoming physical resolution limits of fluorescence microscopes with sparse deconvolution"

Chitra Saran PhD Defense

1131 Bioinformatics 130 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

Title of Talk: "Bile Acid Transporters and Hepatotoxicity: Novel Mechanisms and in Vitro Models"

PI: Dr. Kim Brouwer

In person in 1131 Bioinformatics and also via Zoom, check email for link

Please plan to come out and support Chitra as she defends!

Dr. David Van Dijk of Yale University presents

1131 Bioinformatics 130 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

David Van Dijk, PhD
Assistant Professor
Medicine & Computational Science
Yale University

Title of Talk: “Discovering hidden signatures in biomedical data across space and time”