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Daniel Sprague PhD Defense

Via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Time: 1 PM
Location: ZOOM (Check email for link)
Title: "Identification of functional domains in non-coding RNA"
PI: Dr. Mauro Calabrese 

Raquel C. Martinez Chacin PhD Defense

Via Zoom

Date: July 2, 2020
Time: 1 PM
Location: ZOOM (Check email for link)
Title: “The chain elongating E2 UBE2S activates the RING E3 ligase APC/C for substrate priming”
PI: Dr. Nicholas Brown

Waylin Yu PhD Defense

Title of talk: "Sex-specific regulation of pain: A novel role for dopamine and corticotropin releasing factor signaling in the midbrain and extended amygdala"

Date: September 3, 2020
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: ZOOM
PI: Dr. Tom Kash