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>Onur Dagliyan, a graduate student in the Hahn and Dokholyan labs, has been awarded a 2012 Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship.

Onur Dagliyan, 2012 HHMI International Research Fellowship recipient

The fellowship recognizes Onur’s exceptional academic and personal achievements and reflects HHMI’s confidence in his potential to become a leader in academic science. The fellowship is worth $43,000 a year for three years.

Onur’s current research focuses on combining computational and experimental approaches to develop new protein caging methods and high throughput production of biosensors that report endogenous protein activity. He joined the Hahn and Dokholyan labs after obtaining his Master’s Degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2011.

HHMI launched the International Student Research Fellowships Program last year to support international students during their third to fifth years of graduate school in the United States to meet the funding needs of international students in U.S. graduate schools who often have difficulty getting funding to support their studies.

Our congratulations to Onur on receiving this fellowship award!

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s press release about the awards can be read here.