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Machine Learning Tools for Clinical Researchers: Machine Learning Tools & Precision Medicine in Clinical Research Mini-Symposium

Presenters at the May 18, 2022 Mini-Symposium:

  • John Sperger: Precision medicine overview and SMART trial designs and how those can be used with ML methods to infer precision medicine decision support
    • Graduate student, Department of Biostatistics
  • Katharine McGinigle MD/MPH & Nikki Freeman: Precision medicine machine learning analytics to improve PAD treatment decisions and outcomes
    • Associate Professor, Department of Surgery (McGinigle) and Graduate student, Department of Biostatistics (Freeman)
  • Michael Adams MD & Kushal Shah: Machine learning with EHR data: Addressing diagnostic odysseys among pediatric patients with rare genetic diseases
    • Clinical Fellow, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Adams) and Graduate student, Department of Biostatistics (Shah)