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Efforts to expand access to genomic health and precision medicine have resulted in a proliferation of screening programs for healthy adult populations across the nation. Issues of fairness and equity abound in medicine and are a critical component of assessing implementation of these genomic health and precision medicine efforts. But how can programs such as genomic screening ensure equitable access within a healthcare system that is already characterized by massive health disparities and barriers to equitable access? When and how should cost-effectiveness be considered when designing screening programs and their offerings? How can cost-effectiveness models incorporate justice, equity and inclusion? In this seminar session, we explore these questions and the overall relationship between equity and economic considerations in precision medicine.

Featured Speaker: Kate Saylor, PhD
                                  Fellow, Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Genetics and Genomics
                                  Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Event Recording:

***An error occurred during this event recording and it was split into 2 recordings – Please see both recordings below to view the entire event***

Part 1:

Part 2: