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5 years ago

Depression predicts self assessment of social function in both patients with schizophrenia and healthy people

Impairments in social functioning are central to Schizophrenia (SCZ). Patients with SCZ have challenges in the ability to evaluate their functioning. A correlate of self-assessments in SCZ is depression, wherein negligible depression predicts overestimation. Healthy individuals misestimate their functioning, but mild dysthymia predicts accuracy. We examined depression, gender, and schizophrenia as predictors of self-reported everyday …

5 years ago

Neighborhood socioeconomic status and racial disparities in schizophrenia: an exploration of domains of functioning

Black Americans are disproportionately diagnosed with schizophrenia and experience worse objective functional outcomes than their White counterparts. This study assessed race and domains of functioning known to be associated with objective outcomes in a sample of individuals with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders from the Social Cognition Psychometric Evaluation (SCOPE) study…read more. Nagendra A, Halverson TF, Pinkham AE, …

5 years ago

Correlates of loneliness among persons with psychotic disorders

Persons diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) often experience pervasive feelings of loneliness, which are considered a significant barrier to treatment and recovery. As impaired social cognition may contribute to increased loneliness and less skillful social interactions, this study examines the relationships between loneliness and measures of social cognition and functional outcome from the Social …

5 years ago

Psychometric properties of the Observable Social Cognition Rating Scale (OSCARS): Self-report and informant-rated social cognitive abilities in schizophrenia

Psychosocial treatments have demonstrated reliable improvements in social cognition (SC) abilities, highlighting the need for accurate identification of SC deficits for efficient and individualized treatment planning. To this end, the Observable Social Cognition Rating Scale (OSCARS) is a scale with both self and informant versions. This study investigated psychometric properties of the OSCARS as both …

5 years ago

Suicide reduction in schizophrenia via exercise (SUnRISE): study protocol for a multi-site, single-blind, randomized clinical trial of aerobic exercise for suicide risk reduction in individuals with schizophrenia

Suicide risk among individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) is intractably high, with over 40% of individuals attempting to take their own lives during their lifetime and an estimated 5-10% completing suicide. Aerobic exercise (AE) has been shown to improve a number of predictors of suicide risk (e.g., depressed mood, sleeping difficulties)…read more. Beck-Felts K, Goodman M, …

5 years ago

Neurophysiological substrates of configural face perception in schizotypy

Face perception is a highly developed function of the human visual system. Previous studies of event-related potentials (ERPs) have identified a face-selective ERP component in healthy participants. In contrast, patients with schizophrenia exhibit reduced amplitude of the N170 component, which may represent a pathological deficit in the neurophysiology of face perception…read more Ahn S, Lustenberger …