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IMPACT: Staff Help Area School Kids with Backpack Food Aid & Nutrition Teaching

January 11, 2019

     In late November 2018, UNC Radiology staff supported local food aid non-profit TABLE through donating dry goods and monetarily to its Weekend Meal Backpack Program and Snack Chef programs. Staff members contributed almost 70 pounds of dry goods in support of the weekly emergency food aid program to Chapel Hill/Carrboro-area school children in … Read more

MOVEMBER: 2018 Marks UNC Radiology’s 7th Year to Grow Your Mo!

January 11, 2019

For the 7th consecutive year, UNC Radiology’s Team X-Rayted participated in the global fundraising campaign MOVEMBER. Team X-Rayted raised over $10K of the $12K+ jointly contributed by UNC’s Department of Urology and Radiology. The joint funds support the Movember Foundation, an organization committed to advocacy and fundraising for men’s health programs focused on prostate cancer, testicular … Read more

RSNA’s 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting: A Strong Showing of Faculty & Residents!

January 11, 2019

In late November 2018, five Diagnostic Radiology residents and multiple basic science and clinical faculty attended the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)’s 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Four resident abstracts were accepted for oral presentations as RSNA educational exhibits. Faculty and resident attendees alike showcased scholarly accomplishments, represented UNC in … Read more

2018 UNC Radiology Holiday Party

January 4, 2019

  Department faculty, residents, fellows, advanced practice providers and staff convened at Top of the Hill in December for UNC Radiology’s 2018 holiday party. Our Diagnostic Radiology residents organized a great affair this year for all in attendance.

IMPACT: Bringing Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Clinical Services & Training to East Africa

October 15, 2018

In 2018, the Department’s global health partnerships extending to Africa have solidified into Diagnostic Radiology (DR) involvement in Malawi and Interventional Radiology (IR) involvement in Kenya. Assistant Professor Dr. Brett Murdock’s oversight of UNC Radiology Malawi Program demonstrates how physician service initiated during residency takes root when that individual joins faculty post-graduation. Dr. Murdock first … Read more

IMPACT: UNC/Sichuan Radiochemistry Partnership Boosts Global Basic Science Collaboration

October 12, 2018

  When it opened within the Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) in summer 2014, UNC’s Radiochemistry and Cyclotron Facility positioned the University at the fore of translational cancer imaging research not only nationwide, but on a worldwide scale. As the facility’s new Director, Dr. Zibo Li invested his expertise in developing novel radiolabeling methods and … Read more

G. Li Awarded R01 Funding to Develop Cortical Parcellation Computational Tools for Exploring Early Brain Development

October 12, 2018

The Department would like to recognize Gang Li, PhD, for receiving five-year R01 funding (7/11/2018 – 4/30/2023), renewed annually ($388K+/year), for his project entitled, “Parcellating Infant Cerebral Cortex based on Developmental Patterns of Multimodal MRI.” Development in recent years of infant-dedicated cortical surface analysis tools and atlases has significantly advanced the processing of infant brain MRI … Read more

YZ Lee: Advancing Battlefield Head Trauma Imaging via DoD Trauma Care $1.27M+ Research Award

October 12, 2018

The Department would like to recognize Lead PI Yueh Lee, MD, PhD, for receiving a collaborative three-year Department of Defense (DOD) Medical Research and Development Program Precision Trauma Care Research Award ($1.27M+/year), renewed annually, in September 2018 for a project entitled, “Development and Evaluation of a Solid State Head CT.” UNC co-collaborators on the development … Read more

Li, Shen, Wang Receive NIMH Award to Apply Infant-centric Analytical Tools to Baby Connectome Project Data

October 12, 2018

L to R: Drs. Gang Li, Dinggang Shen & Li Wang The Department would like to congratulate Co-Principal Investigators Gang Li, PhD, Dinggang Shen (contact), PhD, and Li Wang, PhD, for receipt of National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) funding ($466.5K/year), renewed annually, for their five-year project (8/03/2018 – 4/30/2023) entitled, “Continued Development of Infant Brain Analysis Tools.” This … Read more

4th-year Kaleigh Burke Awarded ACR Travel Grant for UNC Radiology Malawi Program Pursuits

October 12, 2018

The Department celebrates resident scholarly achievement in congratulating 4th-year Diagnostic Radiology resident Dr. Kaleigh Burke on receiving a 2018 American College of Radiology (ACR) Goldberg-Reeder Resident Travel Grant, among seven resident recipients this year. In August 2018, Burke received $2000 to support her forthcoming work during a four-week global health elective in Malawi. UNC Project … Read more

Spotlight on Education: Q&A with Associate Chief Resident Dr. Bryan Ashley

October 12, 2018

Q & A with Associate Chief Resident Dr. Bryan Ashley (@BryanEAshley) Q1: Bryan let’s start with you – tell us about yourself. A1: I came to UNC as a lifelong South Carolinian. I completed my undergraduate work at the University of South Carolina, and then matriculated at MUSC for medical school. For residency, I felt … Read more

Jeff Creasy: A Leader in Radiology Informatics, All Beginning at UNC

October 12, 2018

Many leaders in radiology make their mark early career playing key roles in the advancement of their field. In the 1980s, UNC Department of Radiology Immediate Past Chair Dr. Joseph K.T. Lee became the most recognized radiologist in applications of CT as lead editor of the first comprehensive textbook on computed body tomography. That same … Read more