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HIVE Grand Rounds: Raul Necochea “Cancer Care Global Histories”

February 19, 2019 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Speaker – Raul Necochea, Ph.D.

Title – Cancer Care Global Histories and the Education of Health Workers

Overview – I am currently working on a project on the history of cervical cancer in Latin America. In a nutshell, throughout the 20th century, cervical cancer was the most lethal, common, and preventable of cancers in the region. Nowadays, cervical cancer is considered linked to a sexually-transmitted microbe, the human papilloma virus. Knowledge about HPV has transformed our understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of cancer, and even resulted in vaccines to prevent HPV infection. But to what extent do older institutions, attitudes, and technologies that long defined our approach to such a deadly disease still shape contemporary cancer care globally? As a faculty member in a medical school, I believe the humanistic and social scientific orientation that animates this research can further the integral education of health workers in three ways: (1) by producing interventions within spaces that already exist in the medical curriculum for the appreciation and contextualization of primary historical sources; (2) by emphasizing care in diverse circumstances as a crucial value health professionals must learn to understand, deploy, and defend; and (3) by calling attention to the emergence and development of interprofessional teamwork in health care settings. I propose to discuss the blueprint of this evolving project and would appreciate feedback about pitfalls/opportunities about implementing it.


February 19, 2019
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Health Sciences Library, Room 527
335 S. Columbia St.
Chapel Hill, NC United States
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