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Submission Validation Service for single project and multi project applications
Version: 1.39
Date: December 18, 2019

National Institutes of Health/Office of Extramural Research releases new warning message that will appear when application arrives in the commons. At this time Cayuse and Assist do not report this warning during validation checks.

This LINK contains the actual 725 page PDF that states the following …

Page 28

Revision Date: 12/10/2019

Summary of Change: New attachment rule (000.45) was added to trigger a warning if narrative attachments are found to contain graphic files.

Page 46 & 47

Validation: Generate a warning if the files attached to the following attachment fields contain graphic files: The “Other Project Information” form “Project Summary/Abstract” or “Project Narrative”, the “Research Plan” form “Specific Aims”, the “Career Development Award Supplemental” form “Specific Aims”, or the “Fellowship Supplemental” form “Specific Aims” attachment fields.

Error Message: The file attached to <attachment label> on the <form name> form contains graphic files. Please make sure the specified attachment does not contain any graphic files. (000.45)

At this time, this is only a warning and it will not prevent the application from arriving at the Commons. Currently NIH applications are using Forms E and including graphic files is allowable. Although Forms F will be comming out this spring and a new rule may be impleted making graphic files in these specific attachments not allowable.