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Congratulations Class of 2024!

The time has come to release your UNC issued iPad from management so you may utilize them as you see fit going into Residency. iPads will be released starting Monday, May 6, 2023, at 2:00 PM.

Below are a few things to keep in consideration:

  • What do I need to do? – Before May 6, please make sure your device is powered on and connected to a stable Wi-Fi network with internet access. This will ensure our commands will be able to reach the iPad and remove the management profile when sent at 2:00 PM. To confirm your iPad is no longer enrolled in management, check to make sure you no longer have the UNC Self-Service app on your iPad.
  • UNC Messages and Branding – After release, you will continue to see some UNC branding and things left over from when the management profile was on the device. If you wish to get rid of these items, you may choose to factory reset your iPad after graduation to start from scratch after the iPad is released.
  • Security – Your passcode will stay the same, but we will no longer be able to find your device and lock it if it is lost. Please check that Find My iPad is turned on in iCloud Settings. You can find instructions here.
  • Apps – All free apps will remain on the iPad. Any app that UNC School of Medicine paid for will be removed since it is no longer in management (Anki, Heart Murmurs Pro, Lab Values, Physical Exam, etc.)
  • Do I need to return my device? – Nope! This is your device to keep and do with as you please. We hope that it will aid you in your clinical years or during downtime to destress and watch Netflix. Whatever you decide, we hope it has served you well. If you plan to sell or trade in your iPad, follow’s Apple’s guide of steps to take before selling after it is released.
  • Patient Information – We highly recommend deleting and re-installing any EMR programs on the iPad to clear the memory and ensure all patient records have been removed. We will no longer have the ability to remotely wipe your device, so please make sure you delete any patient information stored anywhere else on your iPad.
  • Support during the removal? – Please do not reply to this e-mail for assistance. Enter a ticket with SOM Instructional Technology with any questions or issues during the removal of the management profile. Be sure to include your iPad’s serial number.
  • Support after removal/graduation? – Please do not reply to this e-mail for assistance. After graduation, you will have a limited period in which you can continue to enter tickets with your Onyen. For issues with the removal of the management profile, enter a ticket as above including your iPad’s serial number.If your stops working, you can call 919-843-9086 to request a ticket be entered for your iPad removal including your name, your iPad’s serial number, and an e-mail and phone number where you can be reached.For any issues other than removal of the management profile, you will need to reach out to Apple Support directly.

Good Luck, and we wish you all the best as you move forward in your medical career!