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Program: Integrated Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Start Year: 2018

Medical School: Medical University of Virginia

College/University: University of Virginia

Hometown: Roanoke, Virginia

Clinical and Research Interests

Pediatric craniofacial surgery, pediatric plastic surgery, medical education

What were you looking for in a residency program?

A program with a good breadth and variety of cases that offered graduated autonomy and one where the residents and faculty felt like a family.

What inspired you to become a doctor/surgeon?

My parents. As a first generation immigrant, I spent a lot of time with them as they were redoing their medical training after moving to the US. I got to witness first-hand the relationships they created with their patients and the profound impact they had on their patients’ lives.

Favorite thing about UNC?

It’s the University of National Championships.

Favorite Surgery?

Open cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis or rhinoplasty .

Fun Fact

I competed in the long and triple jumps in college.


Traveling; exercising (mainly weightlifting and group work out classes, occasionally running); slowly getting back into leisure reading; cooking; Netflix (always looking for new TV recommendations!).