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7 months ago

UNC Men’s Health Program & Carolina Demography Launch Innovative Web Tool to Combat Prostate Cancer Disparities in North Carolina

Dr. Eric Wallen, Professor of Urology and UNC Men's Health Program Director, is co-leading the effort to improve diagnostic and health outcomes for all North Carolinians with prostate cancer, including Black Men and Native Americans, who are disproportionately affected. Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death for men in North Carolina.

8 months ago

Pioneering UNC Urologist Employs Advanced, Minimally Invasive “Robotic” Surgeries For Pediatric Patients

When Dr. Hans Arora recently performed two particularly complex urologic surgeries simultaneously on a young patient, he utilized the most advanced techniques and robotic tools available. As a result, the child experienced far less discomfort than with a traditional “open” procedure, had several very small ½-inch scars vs. one large 12-inch scar the length of her abdomen, and went home in less than two days instead of spending five to seven days in the hospital.