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7 months ago

UNC Men’s Health Program & Carolina Demography Launch Innovative Web Tool to Combat Prostate Cancer Disparities in North Carolina

Dr. Eric Wallen, Professor of Urology and UNC Men's Health Program Director, is co-leading the effort to improve diagnostic and health outcomes for all North Carolinians with prostate cancer, including Black Men and Native Americans, who are disproportionately affected. Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death for men in North Carolina.

5 years ago

An Evening Celebrating Philanthropy

On November 14, UNC Medicine held one of our largest events of the year to say “thank you” to our amazing supporters. Throughout the evening, guests enjoyed interactive stations highlighting UNC Medicine’s signature initiatives and the innovative work and research by our faculty. The Advancing Health station highlighted surgical simulation and robotic medical assistance with two da Vinci Surgical Systems, one presented by Dr. Eric M. Wallen, Vice-Chair of Education, Residency Program Director and Professor of Urologic Oncology.